Best Methods For Finding Freebies

We all enjoy freebies, but few of us know how to find the best ones before others grab them all. If you want to be among the lucky ones, you’d better take a look at this article and put some of our ideas to good use.

Free Samples

Some companies use to give away free samples for creating a better awareness for their products. You can find such sampling actions in groceries or department stores, as well as on various websites. Sometimes you can receive a gift if you subscribe to a newsletter. It only takes you two minutes to do it, so don’t waste the chance to grab a freebie like this.

Freebie Websites

You can find free stuff on various free stuff websites. Craigslist, for instance, is one of the places where people advertise stuff they want to give away because they don’t need it anymore and they can’t be bothered with selling it.

Other websites help freebie-lovers organize themselves and swap various things. Here you can get free stuff and get rid of yours without hassle and without paying anything.

Special Offers

Sometimes, when you buy something expensive, your are offered a free gift. This applies mainly to household appliances. It’s common to find free coffee machines, tablets or smartphones offered when you purchase something like a refrigerator or a washing machine. Of course you aren’t going to be able to take advantage of such offers unless you really need the big purchase. However, it’s worth keeping an eye on them, as you never know when something breaks and needs replacement.


These rebates are worth pursuing if you really need certain items. You can find lots of such deals in places like and other similar websites. They usually have forums where such deals get published. However, you have to be among the first to see them, if you want to have a chance to get a freebie this way.

There are many other ways of finding free things. You can use your credit card perks, your flyer miles or your loyalty cards from various shops. They can all give you the benefit of obtaining stuff you don’t have to pay a dime for.

All these might need a certain amount of effort from your side, so you need to ponder carefully whether they are worth the pain or you’d better forget about such time consuming research.

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